About Jane Duncan Rogers

Jane Duncan Rogers founded Before I Go Solutions community interest company in 2016 and is passionate about having end of life plans become as commonplace as birth plans.

Jane Duncan Rogers

I believe passionately that society needs to beĀ  more open about grief, death and dying.

This quote from my first book, Gifted By GriefĀ sums it up.

To be sticking our heads in the sand and finding these topics difficult to mention is complete madness, given we are all going to be affected by them sooner or later. Why?

Because the statistics show that 100% of us are going to die. It's as simple as that.


Although with the after effects of the pandemic, death has become more 'mainstream', it is still often considered scary, intimidating and macabre (and therefore not to be talked about).

It was after my husband died in 2011 that I discovered just how complex, confusing and challenging things can be for those left behind.Ā  For the really personal details, see my TedX talk:Ā  How to Do A Good Death

I've worked for over thirty years in the personal growth industry as a counsellor, psychotherapist and trainer, and owned Oxfordshireā€™s largest complementary health clinic for 3 years. I am an author, coach and speaker, and have helped thousands of people around the world to transform their lives and business.

In 2016 I founded BeforeĀ I Go Solutions, a social enterprise (not-for-profit) dedicated to having end of life plans become as commonplace as birthplans, and to encourage people to be more at ease talking about dying, death and grief.

IĀ originally trained personally in 1990 with Louise L Hay, founder of Hay House publishers and author of the famous book, You Can Heal Your Life Ā®, and became the first person to lead You Can Heal Your LifeĀ® study groups in the UK and Europe, which I did for about ten years.

Gifted By GriefĀ  was published in 2015 and is still selling strongly, and next was Before I Go: The Essential Guide to Creating a Good End of Life Plan. It, along with the accompanying Workbook,Ā  is the basis for all the programmes on this site.

Find out more about all of our products here.

I love my solo early morning walks, yoga, anything creative, and riding my friend's pony.

I've been told I bring joy, love, and a light touch to everything I do - which means I can talk lightly about death, while fully embracing being alive, a marvellous juxtaposition which often brings a wry smile to my face.

I am married again now, to a marvellous Glaswegian man, and we are currently building a new house together, as well as a new life. His wife had died when I met him, and together we honour the irony that without the lives AND deaths of our former spouses, we wouldn't have met.

We thus have 4 of us in this marriage, and that works really well.

I now work as an advisor to and ambassador for Before I Go Solutions, and more books are in the pipeline.

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