When You're Hurting Inside

What To Do When You’re Hurting Inside…

By Jane Duncan Rogers / August 5, 2015 /

If you’ve been wounded physically, there are certain things that need to happen to ensure the healthy healing of that wound. We know now that cleanliness in all areas around the wound are crucial to support the body in its brilliant ability to self-heal. So the person tending you needs to have scrubbed their hands.…

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Grief never ends…?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / June 7, 2015 /

Grief never ends is a very common belief, but it’s not true. Grief changes, because when you grieve a loss you are on a journey, whether you like it or not. A journey is about travelling, learning, growing; making mistakes, discovering and exploring. During this you will be changing; you can’t help it. So ditch the…

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Grief Ambushes – What To Do?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / February 19, 2015 /

The tears gushed out suddenly when I passed the cream cheese in the supermarket aisle. It was so poignant, seeing this cheese, which I no longer needed to buy, and yet which had been one of the few foods that Philip could eat in his last months.

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Has Someone You Know Been Diagnosed with Cancer?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / February 19, 2015 /

When you hear the word ‘cancer’ associated with someone close to you, it’s hard. The shock, even if you suspected it, can cause you to be clumsy with your communication. Disbelief is likely to stun you into silence. You may very well feel helpless. So what do you say?  How can you best help them? …

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Grief is Like the Ocean

By Jane Duncan Rogers / February 4, 2015 /

Sometimes it feels like you’re drowning, sometimes treading water, other times splashing about with your feet on the sand. Grief takes many forms and the image of an ocean is helpful when you realise that the ocean is in charge, and all you can do is learn to swim as best as possible. That means…

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