when the queen dies

When the Queen Dies

By Jane Duncan Rogers / January 31, 2022 /

When the Queen dies, there is a plan. It’s called ‘Operation London Bridge’. (‘London Bridge is down’ is the code for passing on the information that she has actually died) What happens when the Queen dies It’s a highly detailed plan (you can read all about it on Wikipedia). Everyone involved has a role. They…

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A reason for living when someone close has died

A reason for living when someone close has died

By Jane Duncan Rogers / January 26, 2022 /

A reason for living, when someone close has died is demonstrated perfectly with Ricky Gervais. He plays Tony in ‘After Life‘ currently on Netflix. He struggles to come to terms with the death of his wife. Here are my observations and the lessons we can take from this series. Why Ricky Gervais, his dog and…

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How to get end of life planning actually done

How to get end of life planning actually done

By Jane Duncan Rogers / November 2, 2021 /

When you know end of life planning is important, and you know you want to get your end of life plan actually done, there’s a few things that need to be put in place first, to set yourself up for success.

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how to choose a funeral director image

How to choose a funeral director

By Jane Duncan Rogers / October 25, 2021 /

Choosing a funeral director isn’t something often mentioned in polite society. Because it means acknowledging the fact of death. but it’s kinder to those you leave behind if that decision is already taken care of. Here’s 5 tips how to pick a funeral director before it’s really needed.

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reasons to not make a will

7 Reasons to NOT make a will during Free Wills Month! (UK)

By Jane Duncan Rogers / October 18, 2021 /

It’s Free Wills Month during October here in the UK. Which means you can get your will drawn up for free from participating solicitors. Maybe you’re still thinking of putting it off. Here’s some reasons and consequences to NOT making a will during Free Wills Month. Reasons NOT to sort your Will Here are some…

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When should you write your last will and testament image

When should you write your last will and testament?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / October 12, 2021 /

Read what small step you can do today to help you move forward with writing your last will and testament, and why it’s a good idea right now, even if you don’t live in the UK

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how to get my family to let me go-lo

How to get my family to let me go

By Jane Duncan Rogers / September 17, 2021 /

When you know you’re dying but your family can’t accept the fact. This article shares 3 tips how to get your family to let you go.

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What happens to your belongings when you die

What happens to your belongings when you die?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / August 17, 2021 /

This article is about what happens to your belongings when you die, particularly if you have no children to leave them to and some tips how to decide where your belongings go after you’ve gone.

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What signs do we get from people who have died?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / April 1, 2021 /

Staying alert to signs can be a way to find comfort and support as you move forward with your life after a bereavement. Find out how a woodpecker helped Jane!

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Who should I appoint as my power of attorney?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / February 25, 2021 /

If you’re not sure who you should choose for the different types of power of attorney here are some ideas to help you.

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