The Importance of End of Life Planning
Why is End of Life Planning so important?
Surely at some point it’ll all get taken care of, right?
Wrong! The vast majority of people wait until it’s too late to start their End of Life plan.
It’s not until stress, worry or self imposed time limits that people begin to seriously look at how their future will look like.
Today we’ll be discussing why End of Life Planning is important, why it’s so commonly avoided and what the impacts are of not addressing it.
Here is a few reasons:
End of Life Planning Reduces Stress
Procrastination leads to stress.
Stress leads to anxiety.
Anxiety leads to fear.
When you put off planning for the future you end up feeling helpless as to what’s in store.
Instead of looking to the next chapter, you claw onto the moment, too afraid to move forward.
End of Life Planning relives a massive burden on not only yourself but for those around you.
It brings out a road map for you and your loved ones so you all can move forward together in a seamless and less painful way.
From financials, care, belongings and last wishes, preparing for the future reduces the stress burden at the end of life, making it easier for everyone.
When you have a plan you tend to stick to it smoothly, when you don’t you tend to move to each obstacle, one after another.
That’s why planning can be the best antidote for stress.
Why People Avoid Making their End of Life Plans
‘How prepared are you for death?’ – it’s not exactly the best party ice-breaker line, is it?
People have difficulties talking about life after death, for many reasons.
Some feel bringing up financials can bring more harm than good.
Others just don’t like thinking about death, or much more commonly, thinking of a loved one’s death.
And yet others are superstitious and think that if they talk about it, it will make it happen sooner
The truth is, by avoiding your End of Life conversations you’re simply passing the burden of responsibility over to someone who never asked for it.
Or in some cases, where family isn’t involved, the state can be left to deal with everything.
Is that something you’d like?
Why End of Life Planning is Important
Planning for the future gives you the freedom to do things on our own terms.
For topics such as burials, last wishes or even the music played at your funeral, creating a plan gives you the luxury to do things on your own terms.
But for areas such as power of attorneys, wills or advance directives, these are incredibly important matters that must be dealt with well in advance.
Where do you want your inheritance to go?
What if you’re unfit to make decisions on your own accord?
Who will be in charge of refusing treatment on your behalf if you’re unable to?
There is a wide selection of areas that make this subject so important, from finance to burials, it’s something to always keep in mind.
End of Life Planning can be a liberating exercise.
Once complete, you’ll feel energised, accomplished and relieved for doing so.
You’ll feel happy too, and most importantly, so will your family.
Ultimately, End of Life Planning isn’t just an individual task.
It’s an exercise that brings people together, making relationships closer in doing so.
It’s an important subject, not just for yourself, but for those who mean most around you.
How can I learn more?
To get your started with everything you need, take a look at the End of Life Planning Cards and Workbook Bundle. Check it out here to learn more.