Our solutions
DIY Plans
Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to be sitting down with a completed end of life plan in your hand, feeling relieved and at peace that it is finally done (in 4 months or less) and what’s more - you have enjoyed the process!
Stats show that 100% of people will die...
Amazing, isn't it?
Most people generally want to ignore this fact, but it's true of course. And no one knows when it’s time for your last year or last breath until it’s happened, and then of course it's too late to do anything.
The trouble is, dying without a plan in place, or even discussing your wishes, leaves friends and families hugely ill-prepared for coping in the run up to our death and after.
And that's not okay!
Get your End of Life Plan finally done
And experience the relief, the reassurance, and the rewards this brings.
Rewards? Yes - you don't know how much space NOT doing this is taking up in your mind, heart and soul until you get it done.
Your grieving loved ones will be grateful that you’ve left full instructions which means they don’t have to think about getting it 'right', wondering what you wanted, or being fearful of being judged.
When you have a plan in place, you save your family from a lot of unnecessary expenditure - a financial burden they may not be capable of coping with, even years down the road.
Family members and friends won't be disagreeing, feeling put out or even having rows, because it will all have been discussed beforehand and you'll have left clear instructions about what you want to happen
End of Life Conversations Matter
I'm Jane Duncan Rogers, founder of Before I Go Solutions, and I get how tricky bringing up anything to do with end of life matters is. It’s the elephant in the room that everyone avoids talking about, especially with the people you care about (watch my TedX talk below for why I became involved in this unusual field)
Here at Before I Go Solutions one of our missions is to make end of life plans as commonplace as birth plans.
Inspired by my own journey and experiences with the death of my husband Philip, I founded the not-for-profit Before I Go Solutions, in 2016
Our aim is to support you to create your own end of life plan.
This is done through the workbooks, cards, the DIY self-led study course (The Before I Go Method® Programme), or working with one of our fully trained and licensed facilitators who’ve been through our Licensed Facilitators Programme.
With these End of Life Planning tools, courses, guidance and training your journey is much easier, simpler, straightforward and enjoyable!
What others say
Julie Sanders - Scotland: After over a year of knowing my will wasn’t correct, but not knowing what to do about it because of complex family dynamics, I contacted Before I Go Solutions.
With their help, I not only thought through who should be my executor but also sorted out my powers of attorney and many other things to do with my end-of-life plan.
Now it's done, I feel so relieved and happy, it really is a huge weight off my mind.
Katherine Coates: I joined your group last time and made great progress. We have two severely disabled children who we care for at home and this has always been a concern of ours if anything should happen to us.
My husband and I have made a new will and if anything happens to us our home is now subject to a disability trust (our solicitor suggested this and something we hadn't been aware of!).
Our home is now legally bound to this Trust and cannot be sold while our children are alive.
This is a great weight off our minds.
The trustees/executors have been made aware of this, as have their carers, who are all supportive and have agreed to care for them until end of life at home.
The GP and healthcare team are also aware and supportive.
Thank you so much for giving me the push I needed to sort this.
Very best wishes Katherine x
Elizabeth Harley: I attended BIGS's online workshop as I was feeling a bit thrown off balance by the Covid 19 situation. Being interested in Buddhism, I’d previously done a fair bit of work around impermanence and preparation for death, but none of my previous work quite did it for this situation. BIGS’s course was the missing bit of the puzzle for me. Jane is a gifted teacher, who can both inspire and convey necessary knowledge and understanding with clarity and gentleness, leaving plenty of room for individual responses, while creating a safe space for everyone through holding appropriate and helpful boundaries.
3 Simple Steps to Create your End of Life plan
Consider the questions
(using the Before I Go Method® framework in the online course)
Record your answers
(in the Before I Go workbook, you receive this as part of the online course)
Relax and feel relief
(having accomplished your mission, safe in the knowledge your EOL plan is finally done!)