Overwhelming feelings at Xmas

By Jane Duncan Rogers / December 13, 2018 /

Thinking ahead to Christmas Day, or whichever day you celebrate in your faith, overwhelming feelings can easily arise  when you think of the empty chair at the meal table; or no need to buy a present any more; or no present to look forward to receiving. Your heart is a mixture of emotions – on…

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What Is a Body?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / July 19, 2018 /

From Before I Go: The Essential Guide to Creating A Good End of Life Plan. Chapter 7: What Is A Body? In many Western countries, when you see a closed coffin at a funeral, it can be a shock. Imagining the person you loved in there is not always a pleasant picture. A lid over…

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3 tips on how to talk with someone who is dying

By Jane Duncan Rogers / July 11, 2018 /

Sylvia was becoming more and more frail. It was clear that, though in good spirits, her body was nearing the end of her life. She kept having visits to hospital, and had recently had a fall which had precipitated one of these. But how on earth do we talk with someone who is dying? If…

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The 3 A’s of Living a Life of Joy

By Jane Duncan Rogers / September 6, 2017 /

1. Accept It took quite a couple of years to pluck up the courage to try internet dating after my husband died. At first even the thought of it was horrifying, and my first visit to a dating site ended after just a minute or so But as time passed, and I admitted I was…

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Can Acceptance Really Bring Freedom?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / September 22, 2015 /

  Rant, rage, stomp, fume, blame, criticise, complain, moan. So often this is what we do instead of accepting how things are. It’s as if that very action of accepting will condone the situation, or let someone ‘get off scot free’, or because we don’t know what else to do. Our society doesn’t help –…

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