Marrying Yourself After Becoming a Widow: A Beautiful Ritual to Help You Recover

By Jane Duncan Rogers / November 27, 2019 /

Being left behind takes quite a bit of getting used to, there is no doubt about it. But we can’t bury ourselves in our grief for the rest of our lives. We need to find a way to recover and move on. Some of us choose to remarry, and so did I, although this is a different kind of marriage.

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Passwords – Keep Private or Share?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / May 25, 2016 /

In the UK’s Saturday Guardian, Adam Golightly writes an anonymous column (Widower of the Parish) recounting his challenges each week as a new widower and father to two children, since his wife Helen died in early April. This week, he faced another apparently small, but in experience huge, problem. The one of passwords. In my…

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Can Acceptance Really Bring Freedom?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / September 22, 2015 /

  Rant, rage, stomp, fume, blame, criticise, complain, moan. So often this is what we do instead of accepting how things are. It’s as if that very action of accepting will condone the situation, or let someone ‘get off scot free’, or because we don’t know what else to do. Our society doesn’t help –…

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Grief never ends…?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / June 7, 2015 /

Grief never ends is a very common belief, but it’s not true. Grief changes, because when you grieve a loss you are on a journey, whether you like it or not. A journey is about travelling, learning, growing; making mistakes, discovering and exploring. During this you will be changing; you can’t help it. So ditch the…

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