Is there life after loss?

By Jane Duncan Rogers / September 13, 2020 /

When you’re bereaved, it’s easy to think there will never be any quality of life after loss. It’s such a hard time, but this story gives hope, inspiration and a sense of possibility, especially for those in the older stage of life.

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Marrying Yourself After Becoming a Widow: A Beautiful Ritual to Help You Recover

By Jane Duncan Rogers / November 27, 2019 /

Being left behind takes quite a bit of getting used to, there is no doubt about it. But we can’t bury ourselves in our grief for the rest of our lives. We need to find a way to recover and move on. Some of us choose to remarry, and so did I, although this is a different kind of marriage.

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The 3 A’s of Living a Life of Joy

By Jane Duncan Rogers / September 6, 2017 /

1. Accept It took quite a couple of years to pluck up the courage to try internet dating after my husband died. At first even the thought of it was horrifying, and my first visit to a dating site ended after just a minute or so But as time passed, and I admitted I was…

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