The Time is Now! What To Do To Be Fully Alive

timeisnowThis short piece ‘The Time Is Now’ was written by my friend Bob German of  Young At Any Age. When he sent it to me I just wanted to share it.  Full stop. It is so wise.

All the statements are summed up in the last one.

So how can you choose love over this holiday period and into 2017?  Share below and both give and receive inspiration.


The time is now …. for us average citizens to come together like never before with courage and conviction, to become willing agents for social change. It matters not what political party you favour, what religion you are or your economic status.


 …. to rid ourselves of indifference.


The time is now …. for all of us to use goodness and loving-kindness as our power for peace and equality for everyone.


…. to quit complaining and criticizing about what’s happening and instead turn that energy to action by doing good things even while others may be doing bad things.


The time is now …. for each of us to step up and do something … anything … to support fellow human beings in our cities and towns who are being discriminated against, harassed, wronged, exploited, enslaved, at-risk, violated, vulnerable or victimised.


 …. for each of us to be a safety net for all those who are scared.


The time is now …. to gather collectively and individually to reach out and help people who are suffering and in need of allies.


…. to be the light in a world that is often very dark for those who are deemed “different” in the eyes of some.


The time is now…. for compassion, doing good and choosing to love in every instance. 


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