End of Life Planning Made Easy
Online Course
Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to be sitting down with a completed end of life plan in your hand, feeling relieved and at peace that it is finally done (in 3 months or less) and what’s more - you have enjoyed the process!
End of Life Planning Made Easy with
the Before I Go Method!
Worried you might become a burden on your loved ones?
In this time of coronavirus, although most of us will come through fine, it is bringing the thought of our own mortality closer, isn't it?
So if you’ve ever worried about losing your independence and maybe becoming a burden on your children or family, you’ll be familiar with how horrible that thought is and how tempting it is just to ignore it and hope it won’t happen for you. But now you can see it might actually happen.
You might have experienced having to take care of elderly parents who have not prepared for their end of life, or their death, and so you know just how debilitating it can be when you have to sort their affairs out afterwards
You may be bothered about the fact that it’ll be your children or friends who have to take care of all your stuff, if you don’t get a move on now. But even so, you just can’t get things sorted
Or you’re concerned about making the wrong decision about your own end of life – what if you change your mind?
Just the thought of all the stuff someone will have to sort through can create overwhelm – you know you need to do it, but that in itself creates stuckness, doesn't it, and the end result is - nothing happens, nothing gets sorted, and you feel drained at the thought of it all. Ghastly!
And anyway, you just don’t have enough time to do all this – who does?
Well, just imagine...
- Your relief, knowing that all the stress of the admin for your family after you have died has been taken care of
- Looking round your house and seeing more space, less stuff, and that what you DO have is organized systematically
- Putting your fingers on your death folder really easily , knowing that what is in there is everything that will be needed after you’ve gone
- Knowing your family will only have to follow your instructions as to what you want after you’ve gone
- Feeling relaxed and at peace, because you’ve done all this, and particularly you have chosen the kind of treatment you want towards the end of your life
“One of the joys of doing your course is that you plant the seed of thinking about your own death and little seedlings pop up in unexpected places that lead to a fully grown tree of life. The course was a surprisingly life affirming thing to do and you steered us through it with just the right amount of firmness, laughter and joy whilst also holding the sadness too.” Jan Morley England
However, if you know this is a good idea, but do nothing about it,
then you also know that you'll continue to…
- Feel guilty that you’re not taking action – but justify it by saying you just don’t know where to start, or you don’t have enough time, or you can’t decide what you want...
- Fret that you haven’t done it, and that it is possible you could just kick the bucket at any time, and what would happen then…
- Worry that one of your biggest fears will come true, and you will be a burden on your family in your later years, or will not get the treatment you want towards the end of your life
- Be stuck in the same place, nothing changing or moving, clutter, stuff and papers all around you, and it ultimately impacting negatively on your mental health, if not your physical
- Have your energy sapped bit by bit because you know what you should be doing and yet you’re not doing it
This is where I come in...
My name is Jane Duncan Rogers, also known as the End-of-Life Lady, and I help you get your act together, if you realise how important this kind of preparation is but you're just not doing what it takes to complete a comprehensive end-of-life plan!
I’m doing this because once I came very close to death. Not my own, but my husband’s...
In 2010 Philip was diagnosed with stomach cancer
Neither of us knew anything about end-of-life plans, but he had been given a fairly good prognosis so long as they got all the tumours out.
But the operation wasn’t successful, and we were faced with the fact that he was going to die, and it was going to be sooner than later.
During this time, we received an email from a friend, Barbara. She insisted we answer the long list of questions in it, stuff like ‘what kind of coffin do you want?’, ‘how do you want your body dressed?’ and ‘what are your passwords? ‘ – I mean, really specific things.
We put it off, it felt like a bit too much. Then another email arrived. We put it off again, neither of us willing to face up to the bluntness of the questions, but after the third email we just needed to answer the darn questions and get her off our back.
We sat up in bed one Saturday morning with the laptop. I asked him the questions and we discussed the answers. Imagine our surprise when an hour or two in, we realized we were quite enjoying ourselves!
By the end of the morning we felt a distinct sense of satisfaction and achievement, and immensely close and loving.
So odd – we were discussing his death but the love that was unleashed that weekend was enormous. It felt like we were doing a project together, and we'd been good at doing those!
Fast forward three years...
My first book, Gifted By Grief: A True Story of Cancer, Loss and Rebirth was published. In it I told the story above. Readers flocked to tell me they needed to answer those questions too.
At this point, it might have daunted me if I had not had 25+ years of experience in the therapeutic world. I originally trained in 1990 with the famous Louise L Hay who wrote You Can Heal Your Life, and who founded international mind-body-spirit publisher Hay House. Then I went on to train as a counsellor and a coach and so I was able to easily organise a local workshop, and then take the course online.
Eventually I founded the not-for-profit company Before I Go Solutions®
Our aim is to have these plans be as commonplace as birth plans.
"For anyone who has a blended family or has been re-married, this course and workbook is a MUST! Having the “excuse” that I had an assignment from Jane’s course made it easy to open the conversation with my husband, when previously I could not hold his attention for 15 minutes on this topic. And now I feel like I have created a “living document,” not a “death document.” Patty Burgess Brecht USA
"I've had a serious health scare recently, and ...I'm really glad I took your Before I Go course a while back, because that is making the decisions I need to make for my trust much easier, simply because I've already had conversations with people about my wishes". Gina Decker, USA
So what is the Before I Go Method® exactly?
It’s a proven way to attend to all the stuff that accompanies end of life and after death.
An inspirational online course that you do by self-learning, or with the help of a trained Before I Go Facilitator.
- It enables you to get going on the things you’ve been putting off, freeing up your time and energy for other things you love to do
- It gives you the background information you need to know to make decisions about your personal situation, so you can stop fretting about them and relax more
- It keeps you focused so you can take small steps in the right direction, feeling a sense of achievement
- It helps you organize your papers/ideas/stuff into manageable amounts, lessening the overwhelm
- It brings enjoyment to a process that could be a bit demoralising otherwise (yes, it can actually even be fun to do!)
So if you want to feel relieved, confident, and comforted by the fact you've taken care of everything, then click now to get access!
Here's the full course content:
Module 1: Lessening the Household Headaches
Imagine what you would do if your spouse or partner suddenly wasn’t around? Would you know where to find documents, how to operate an appliance, what insurances you have? Take action in this module to avoid this. Discover:
- What only you know about your household that needs to be shared
- How to select what you want to keep in a manageable way
- How overwhelm stops you and what to do about it
Module 2: Determining Your Life and Death Values
You can’t make any decisions about how you ideally want your end of life to be without knowing what your life values are. In this module, you’ll discover:
- How to be sure your end will be in line with your life values
- The 3 most important practical information pieces you can give your loved ones
- Get clear on your advance healthcare decision (allowing you to state whether you want life-prolonging treatment or not in your last days/weeks, if you can't speak for yourself)
Module 3: Looking After the Legals
Does talk of powers of attorney and wills make you yawn, or feel guilty? Here’s how to make it easier, even enjoyable!
- 13 important questions to ask your lawyer to get the most value for your money
- The one alarming legal point that has to be taken care of, but most people don't know about
- Who to appoint and what to do if you don't have children
- How to choose an executor who is most suitable
Module 4: Designing Your Digital Life and Finances
If you weren’t here, then how would anyone know who to contact if you had died yesterday?
- Why you need to share your passwords for peace of mind
- The 5 steps to taking care of your digital presence
- Sorting your finances easily so your relatives or friends are not tearing their hair out, having to put their hand in their own pockets to pay for your funeral, or discovering unknown bank accounts years later.
Module 5: Taking Care of the Body
Whatever your beliefs as to what happens after death, there is always going to be a body for others to take care of. Find out:
- Body at home or not? How to decide
- The 3 essentials of a good ritual
- How to decide what to do in times of coronavirus
- Funeral director or DIY? Discover who does what and how to choose
- How to keep costs down
Obituaries/Eulogies & Keeping It All Updated)
You could just disappear off the world with hardly anyone knowing. Or you could take charge of how you go.
- The 3 main things you'll want to be remembered for and how to make sure that happens
- Why writing your obituary benefits you now
- How to easily keep your end-of-life plan updated
What happens when I sign up?
You'll get immediate access to the introductory module where you receive:
- Your fillable PDF copy of the Before I Go Workbook, which has all the questions in that you could ever need to answer, plus spaces for you to write in your answers. (If you prefer to have a printed copy, in an A5 ringbinder, you can purchase one here)
- Your Resource Pack (I've researched these sites myself, so you don't have to.
- Your Conversation Starter Kit - to enable you to have fruitful conversations with anyone you want to, on any topic to do with end of life matters, at any time.
And you are able to start immediately!
All the modules include various lessons, with either short videos, PDF's, or audios plus lesson text. Altogether, any module could be watched/read/listened to at one go in 30-45 minutes, depending on how much you think and ponder as you go along!
Of course then there is your homework, and how long that takes will depend on your personal situation.
(If you feel you'd do better taking this course with the added help of a trained facilitator, then we have someone who can help you right now! Access them by clicking here
Sign up for the Before I Go Method Now!
Self Study Course ( DIY)
(approx US $135)
Remember, your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to be sitting down (at the end of 3 months or less) with a completed end of life plan in your hands, feeling relieved and at peace that it is finally done - AND you have enjoyed yourself in the process!
Thoughts from a few more who have done the course
"Before I did the BIG Method course I was stalled in my own end of life preparations, and I wanted to gain the courage and the means which I could use in discussions with my loved ones. Now I’ve finished the course, I’ve completed and updated my Will and Powers of Attorney; begun a systematic sorting, purging, gifting, and donating process, which I expect I will continue for the rest of my life; and chosen a body disposal method, amongst other things. Jane's many stories and organized lessons and videos were exceptionally helpful in this regard, and I will avail myself of the BIG Method’s lessons for the rest of my days" Julie Saeger Nierenberg
"I joined your group last time and made great progress. We have two severely disabled adult children who we care for at home and it has always been a concern of ours if anything should happen to us.
My husband and I have now made a new will and if anything happens to us our home is now subject to a disability trust. Our home is now legally bound to this Trust and cannot be sold while our children are alive. This is a great weight off our minds. Thank you so much for giving me the push I needed to sort this" Katherine Coates, England
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© Copyright 2022 Jane Duncan Rogers. All Rights Reserved
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