7 Tips For A Good Valentine’s Day When You Are On Your Own

Valentines Day when on your own7 Tips For A Good Valentine’s Day When You Are On Your Own

This article gives some suggestions and practical actions to help cope with Valentines Day when you are on your own, whether by choice or not.

Valentine’s Day when you are on your own

The thought of never again receiving a Valentine’s card from my husband almost made me drop to the floor in agony.

All those other women out there would be receiving a card, flowers or being taken out for a meal, and in my house, nothing would happen because my husband was dead.

It’s not okay!

“It’s not okay!’ I screamed.

It was only ten weeks since he had died, and I was still raw with grief.

The very thought of Valentine’s Day just made me want to run away and hide.

All different now

Now, many years on, and it is all quite different.

What I’ve discovered is that there are some things to pay attention to that really help and I’ve listed them below.

Practical actions to help for Valentine’s Day when you’re on your own

7 tips for a good valentines day when you are on your own

So if you are on your own, whether by choice or not, then this image shows  some suggestions  you can download for practical actions to take that will help you on this particular day.


1. Designate it a day of self-love

Decide that on the hour, every hour, you will remind yourself of how wonderful you are.

Set your phone with a message that will pop up to affirm your beauty, your courage, your general gorgeousness.

2. Give yourself a gift

This could be the same kind of gift you have received in the past, or something completely different.

It may cost a lot, or nothing at all, the amount simply does not matter.

The love with which it is given to yourself does, so make sure it is something (or an experience) that you really will cherish.

3. Take yourself off into nature

Walking in the woods, by the sea, in the sand, or the water – all of these have healing properties simply by you being there.

Let yourself open to the timeless wisdom of nature, let yourself open to the love that is expressed in the varying forms in the natural world.

Go slow and appreciate your surroundings.

4. Choose to be with family and/or friends

Remind yourself that you are loved by these people.

Make Valentine’s Day a day to celebrate ALL love between all people, not just romantic love.

5. Be creative

Let your inner child out to play with colours, shapes, glue, stickers, paper – whatever takes your fancy.

Without deciding what you’re going to make, see what emerges. Let go and have fun!

6. Do something completely different

Make this day a day where you demonstrate love in a different way – either towards yourself or towards another.

Forget about cards, romantic meals for two, focusing on the form – think instead of wacky experiences, unusual gifts (to yourself!) and letting joy be present.

7. Be kind to yourself

More than anything, whatever action (or non-action) you take, bring kindness to bear.

Give to someone else – that can be one of the greatest acts of kindness to them, as well as to yourself.

Rose-tinted glasses

Finally, make sure you put on your rose-tinted glasses first thing in the morning.

See everyone and everything around you through these. You will find it much easier to focus on what you have got, rather than what you haven’t.

The world looks wonderful through these glasses, I know, because I look out through them all the time.

An unusual loving gift

And if you do want to give a present to someone, here’s an unusual one: a copy of the Before I Go: Practical Questions to Ask and Answer Before You Die Workbook.

This is one of the most loving things you can give anyone, albeit unusual.

You will possibly cause a few raised eyebrows! But that gives an opportunity for a conversation about the topic – so it’s all good.

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  1. Catie WOOD on February 12, 2018 at 9:19 am

    Thankyou Jane
    You aleays offering such comforting advice.

    • Jane Duncan Rogers on February 12, 2018 at 11:11 am

      Thanks Catie! I appreciate that 🙂

  2. Delcia McNeil on February 12, 2018 at 9:50 am

    Hi Jane – this is just great – thank you! One thing I did when I was without a partner was to send myself a Valentine’s card – in time so I could receive it in the post on Valentine’s Day. In the card I wrote something like: Dear Del – I love you so much and I can’t wait to get my hands on you! It was great to receive! Another time when I was single on Valentine’s Day a married female friend of mine invited me and another single woman friend for an evening meal at her home and the friend’s husband waited on us – all dressed up like a proper waiter. It was hilarious and made not having a partner of my own much less sad.

    • Jane Duncan Rogers on February 12, 2018 at 11:11 am

      What a brilliant idea Delcia! Thanks so much for sharing that 🙂

  3. Chris D on February 12, 2018 at 6:48 pm

    As ever Jane thank you so much – your words always help

  4. Dawn Akers on February 9, 2022 at 2:14 pm

    What some lovely ideas, Jane. And the rose-tinted glasses…fab. x

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